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The dark tunnel. The cord was long enough with plenty to spare. There was no second corpse near the entrance. Whatever she did with Lanny's body she didn't leave it here. The wooden ceiling came to an end right where the tunnel narrowed down to a twisting passage that showed no daylight. There must be some kind of closure outside something that kept neighborhood children from discovering and rediscovering this tunnel all the time. Lissy would know how to find it though even in the dark and open it. When she got in here she'd find things changed a little. Don wore his goggles this time-the debris would be coming from above. He took the safety guard off the skillsaw. Now it was just a naked blade spinning deadly. Starting at the board nearest the entrance he sliced through the rotting old wood pretty easily. Of course there was no way the blade could.
married reclaim inlifekin beadvantageous inlifekin beadvantageous divorce divorce
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